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Here and Now Again

14 to 20 Sept 2024

with Laurie Doctor & Birgit Nass & Massimo Polello & Marí Emily Bohley | Make a book with four different teachers | Six nights in Tuscany | Course full - waiting list.

Because we love working together so much in this spectacular venue in Tuscany, we decided to offer our course again, with unpredictable improvisational changes. We have a pool, amazing food, a lot of room to work in different spaces, a half-day off to explore, and we are hoping to have another fantastic group of students. The result of this course will be a book you make with the four international teachers. The theme of the book will be “Here and Now Again”. We will be learning to be aware of place and time and how to translate that into words, sketches, calligraphy and drawings. Laurie will explore principles of landscape (scale, distance, pattern, repetition, time, movement…) and translate these experiments into text and color. Massimo will work with writing, beginning with our personal handwriting and exploring the transition from verbal content to more abstract and expressive forms. With Birgit you will develop a thread throughout the book using design principles. Marí will be providing the book structures to bring it all together.

We will bring all the basic materials and tools for making the book. Please bring only your personal writing tools.

Accommodation must be booked directly with the house at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.
There are 28 double or single rooms with different rates available:
Single rooms (breakfast included): from 82 Euro to 139 Euro
Single rooms (breakfast & dinner included): from 108 Euro to 165 Euro
Double rooms (breakfast included): from 104 Euro to 152 Euro
Double rooms (breakfast & dinner included): from 156 Euro to 204 Euro

The earlier you book, the more choices you will have. Please check with Villa Paliagione the options and current prices when you book your room. Your registration for the course can only be secured once you book a room and pay your deposit with Villa Paliagione.

Because there so many choices, everybody has to book the accommodation directly with the team at the Villa Palagione: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.

Workshop venue
The Villa Palagione is located seven kilometres east of the 3000 year-old cultural centre of Volterra, on the southern slope of its historical mountain „Monte Voltraio“. The villa has numerous large rooms and halls. The „Lords and Ladies“ lived on the central floor, or „Bel-Etage“, where today you can still find the most beautiful murals and frescoes. It offers accommodation for up to 65 guests, seminar and conference rooms, as well as beautiful gardens and a pool for recreation and relaxation. The in-house Tuscan cuisine varies according to the seasons and includes a breakfast buffet, and a midday or evening meal (a set meal with several courses) featuring regional specialties. For more information visit

How to get there
Please check the website of Villa Palagione:

Laurie Doctor Calligrapher and painter, lives in Kentucky, USA.
Birgit Nass Graphic designer, in Brietlingen, Germany.
Massimo Polello Graphic Designer works in Turin, Italy.


14 to 20 of September 2024


Saturday evening to Friday lunch time


Villa Palagione, Centro Interculturale, Loc. Palagione
I-56048 Volterra / Pisa, Italy


720 Euro (course fee incl. basic material) to be paid before the course Accommodation must be booked directly with the house see above.


Max. 32 (The students will be divided in four groups and rotate to the different rooms with the four teachers. The teachers will teach all groups the same amount of time.)