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Team-Teaching / Dream-Teaching

I really enjoy working in a team. Teaching together is not only fun but also always brings new insights. Here are the colleagues I have worked with so far:

I have known Birgit Naß (Brietlingen) since 2002, when we met at an international calligraphy symposium in Sunderland (Great Britain). We gave our first course together on Sylt in 2006. We now give several courses a year - preferably in beautiful places such as Sylt, Tuscany and France. We then extended this collaboration to Massimo Polello (Italy) and Laurie Doctor (USA). The four of us give courses at Villa Pallagione (Tuscany). There was also a special collaboration with my former teacher Ewan Clayton (Great Britain) in Lauenburg in 2023. With Denise Lach (France) I give courses for the Swiss painting school on Lake Lugano and there are further collaborations with the book artist Anna Helm (Halle), the calligraphers Frank Fath (Heddesheim) and Torsten Kolle (Brauschweig) and the two bookbinding masters Anna and Frieda von Anklamo (Pirna).

Schriftgruppe Lettera

Antje Glashagen-Stuck
Eveline Petersen-Gröger
Ursula Schröder-Höch

came together in Hamburg in 2003 to form the Lettera typeface group. We share a love of calligraphy and book art and a desire for collaboration and exchange. Friendships and a deep bond developed during working trips, thematic group exhibitions and courses with renowned lecturers from Germany and abroad.

Akademie am Meer

The "Akademie am Meer" is located in Klappholttal on Sylt. The Klappholttal Adult Education Center (founded in 1919) is one of the oldest places for youth and adult education in Schleswig-Holstein. Built directly into the dunes, it is both a place of longing and a place of strength for me.

Thanks to our many years of seminar work with Birgit Nass on Sylt (for which we rent rooms there), we now also work for the Akademie am Meer as honorary staff for the Summer Academy and the Biike Study Week in February.

Stiftung Monumenta Vitruvii

An interesting collaboration with the Monumenta Vitruvii Foundation came about through the mediation of Dr. Verena Böll. She is an ethnologist and Ethiopian scholar and catalogs Ethiopian manuscripts for the foundation. Our first joint project in Stützerbach (Thuringia) was a workshop on the subject of "Manuscript Coptic Binding". Further workshops and educational trips on the subject of parchment production, Ethiopian bookbinding, leather binding and gilding are planned.


This is a support program of the Dresden Municipal Libraries. Kindergartens and elementary school can book various offers. I regularly visit Dresden daycare centers with "Experimental Writing Workshop" and "Bookbinding Workshop".

DKW – Dieselkraftwerk Cottbus

I have been teaching art education courses at the Brandenburg State Museum of Modern Art (formerly Dieselkraftwerk Cottbus) since 2013.

Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden


As part of the exhibition "300 Years of Collecting in the Present" and the event series "Artist Mediation", I gave a workshop together with the art historian Muriel Fidler in 2020 from the perspective of an artist after a joint visit to the exhibition.


At the invitation of ethnologist Dr. Verena Böll, project manager of ostZONE, and the association Kultur Aktiv e.V., I developed a workshop on the topic of mail art together with Julia Eberth (cultural manager) as part of the exhibition "Revolutionary Romances? Global art stories in the GDR" The mail art workshop took place on three Saturdays at the end of 2023 and beginning of 2024 in the Albertinum studio.


Exchange of ideas for lovers of calligraphy, beautiful papers and book art

Since 2005 a group of interested people has been meeting regularly to exchange new ideas, experiences and current publications about calligraphy, bookbinding and other beautiful things. Most of them know each other from my courses and wanted to meet up outside of the courses. In addition to the exchange of experiences, this resulted in the concept for an exhibition "When letters learn to walk", which was presented at Blue Child in spring 2005 and since 2007 a new calendar (approx. 22 x 47 cm) has been designed every year in a small edition. I provide advice on the design and selection of the calendar pages.

Papiergeflüster has been a non-profit organization since August 2023. If you are interested and have time, you are welcome to come to the paper whisper meeting. We are always happy to welcome new and old visitors and the meetings can be attended without prior registration. The current dates and venues can be found at News.

Freelance speaker for weddings and funerals

I have a long-standing friendship and collaboration with the freelance wedding and funeral speaker Nora Gondro.

At the request of her clients, I design and bind books documenting the speeches given.


I have also worked with the photographer Michael Kretschmar for many years.
He regularly photographs my book objects and written art and has also documented my exhibition and some courses on several occasions. A highlight of our collaboration are the performance pictures "Eigensinn" (2006) and "Hängend in der Zeit (2010)

Trauer Neu Denken

Another common area of work is the cooperation of five freelance women who offer all services in the field of grief counseling and funerals and have joined forces under the name "Trauer Neu Denken":

Marí Emily Bohley (artist)

Annelie Brux (photographer)

Nora Gondro (funeral speaker)

Juliane Müller (master florist)

Anke Uhlmann (graphic designer)

Graphic design

The illustrator Franka Strangfeld regularly supports me with my advertising and designs flyers and postcards that represent my work.